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Holiday rental in Mallorca-Islas Baleares

Enjoy your holiday rental in Mallorca-Islas Baleares

  • Holiday rentals in Mallorca with Plusholidays: Find your ideal accommodation!


    Discover the best holiday accommodation in Mallorca, from flats in Palma de Mallorca to budget homes. Find the perfect beachfront accommodation and enjoy popular activities in Mallorca, great travel dates and places of interest on this dreamy Mediterranean island

  • Discover the best holiday accommodation in Mallorca


    Flats in Palma de Mallorca

    The flats in Palma de Mallorca offer a comfortable and convenient stay, perfect for enjoying the city and its surroundings. With central locations and modern amenities, these accommodations are ideal for those wishing to explore the island's capital.


    Holiday homes in Mallorca: budget options

    If you are looking for budget options for your stay in Mallorca, holiday homes are an excellent alternative. With a wide range of accommodation at affordable prices, you can enjoy the comfort and privacy of your own home during your holiday on the island.


    Best deals on holiday rentals in Majorca

    - Discover the best deals on holiday rentals in Majorca and save on your accommodation while enjoying an unforgettable holiday on the island.
    - Explore a wide selection of options with special discounts and exclusive promotions to book your holiday accommodation at the best price.
    - Take advantage of last minute offers and book your accommodation in Mallorca with great benefits and advantages to make your experience even more enjoyable.

  • Find the perfect holiday accommodation in Mallorca


    Discover the wide variety of houses and flats available for your holidays in Mallorca. From cosy rural houses to modern flats in the heart of the city, you will find options to suit your preferences and needs.


    Amenities and services of holiday rentals in Majorca

    - Free Wi-Fi in most of the accommodation.
    - Air conditioning to enjoy a comfortable stay at any time of the year.
    - Fully equipped kitchens to prepare your favourite meals during your holiday.
    - 24-hour customer service to resolve any queries or emergencies during your stay.


    Beachfront accommodation in Majorca

    Looking to wake up with sea views or enjoy the sea breeze from your terrace? The beachfront accommodation options in Majorca will allow you to live a unique experience, just a few steps away from the sand and crystal clear water. Choose between flats with panoramic views or villas with direct access to the beach to make the most of your holiday.

  • Enjoy your holidays in Mallorca to the fullest


    Popular activities in Mallorca

    Enjoy a wide variety of activities in Mallorca to make the most of your holiday. From water sports such as snorkelling and paddle surfing, to exploring picturesque mountain villages such as Valldemossa and Deià.


    Some activity options include:

    - Boat trips along the coast of Mallorca.
    - Hiking routes in the Tramuntana mountain range.
    - Visits to local wineries to taste Mallorcan wines.


    Dates and ideal times to travel to Majorca

    Discover the best time of year to visit Mallorca and make the most of your holidays. Whether in spring to admire the almond blossom fields, in summer to enjoy the beaches and the sun, or in autumn to visit the local markets and taste the typical gastronomy of the island.


    Some of the most important dates to travel to Mallorca are:

    - May to take part in the Sant Joan festivities.
    - July and August to enjoy the festive atmosphere and the patron saint festivities.
    - September to attend the famous Nit de l'Art in Palma.


    Places of interest and destinations in Mallorca

    Discover the most emblematic places and must-see destinations that you can't miss during your holidays in Mallorca. From the majestic Cathedral of Palma to the charming coves of the east coast, the island offers a wide variety of unique places full of history and beauty.


    Some places of interest and recommended destinations are:

    - La Almudaina and the Almudaina Palace in Palma.
    - The beach of Es Trenc in the south of the island.
    - The village of Sóller and its famous wooden train.