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Casa rural Casa Quart a Quart de les Valls

Rentaplats iconRentaplats
Jardí iconJardí
Terrassa iconTerrassa
Microones iconMicroones
Televisió iconTelevisió
Rentadora iconRentadora
Tovalloles iconTovalloles
Roba de llit iconRoba de llit
This beautiful rural house located in Quart de les Valls is perfect for enjoying a holiday surrounded by nature. The house has 3 bedrooms and can accommodate 6 people. In addition, it has a large kitchen that gives access to an incredible covered patio where you can enjoy your best moments with family or friends. The tourist accommodation is a classic house, with very large spaces, with Valencian tiles and a large interior patio. This house is perfect for: - People who want to make routes through the mountains, because the house is located in a perfect area for it and, in addition, a few kilometers from the beach. - People who want to hold a celebration, because its large interior patio/garden is perfect for parties and gatherings with family and friends. KNOW THIS VILLAGE: QUART DE LES VALLS Quart de les Valls, is a small municipality in the province of Valencia, in the Vall de Segó subregion, with various incredible landscape and heritage elements, such as the Font de Quart. In addition, it is located only 7 km. from sea! It is a perfect place for hiking or mountain sports. It is a very charming town, you cannot leave there without walking its streets and enjoying its wonderful gastronomy. DOWNLOAD OUR FREE TOURIST APP And knows all our surroundings. Did you know that at Global Property we have a free tourist application? Download it to your device and discover the multitude of options that you can experience in our area: the best bars and restaurants, beaches, hiking trails, events and activities... And much more! We want to help you make this experience... Unforgettable!

Distribució de dormitoris

  • Dormitori 1

    • 2 Llit individual
  • Dormitori 2

    • 1 Llit doble

Mapes i distàncies



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Grups de joves admesos
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Entrada: 16:00:00
Sortida: 11:00:00

Fiança (reemborsable)

Import: 200€ / Reserva

Registre turístic


Taxa turística

Abans de viatjar, tingueu en compte que els allotjaments poden estar subjectes a taxes turístiques que s'abonen directament a l'establiment. Aquestes taxes solen repercudir-se per persona i nit, fins a un màxim de nits marcat per la llei aplicable.

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Podreu cancel·lar la reserva de forma gratuïta fins a 7 dies abans de l'inici de l'estada; en cas de cancel·lar amb menys de 7 dies d'antelació se't penalitzarà amb el 100% de l'import total de la reserva.

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81 €