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Apartamento Margon a Salou

Aparcament iconAparcament
Rentaplats iconRentaplats
Jardí iconJardí
Piscina iconPiscina
Terrassa iconTerrassa
Animals iconAnimals
Microones iconMicroones
Rentadora iconRentadora
Roba de llit iconRoba de llit
Lovely apartment situated in firt line , just 50 mts from the beach and only 250 mts from Salou city centre. Breathtaking frontal view of the beach and Salou. There you will enjoy the summer in a natural environment, surrounded by beautiful vegetation of trees and pines touching the see, the beach and only 250 m from the huge animation of Salou. You will find the centre with all the shops, restaurants, boutiques, just 5 minutes walking distance. From this beautiful terrace you will enjoy the best views in Salou, just relax and enjoy the spectacular sunsets looking this immense Mediterranean see. The apartment has 3 different floors: On the ground floor: you will find the kitchen with dishwasher,washing machine,frige, freezer and oven. There is a dinning-room with chairs and table to eat inside the apartment and just 3 steps before you will find the beautiful living room with spectacular views over the sea and all Salou. The terrace has a sun bed and all the necessary furniture to enjoy the sunsets and sunrise every day looking at the sea. 1rst floor: You will find a double bed room with a double bed and lovely views over the sea. There is also a complete bad room. 2nd floor: there is another complete bad room with bd tub The apartment is nicely decorated in a Ibiza style and typical Mediteranean decoration. The building has an spectacular views over the sea. The parking is included in the price

Distribució de dormitoris

  • Dormitori 1

    • 2 Llit individual
  • Dormitori 2

    • 1 Llit doble

Mapes i distàncies



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Normes de la propietat

Grups de joves admesos
S'admet fumar
Mascotes permeses
Entrada: 17:00:00
Sortida: 10:00:00

Fiança (reemborsable)

Import: 300€ / Reserva

Registre turístic


Taxa turística

Abans de viatjar, tingueu en compte que els allotjaments poden estar subjectes a taxes turístiques que s'abonen directament a l'establiment. Aquestes taxes solen repercudir-se per persona i nit, fins a un màxim de nits marcat per la llei aplicable.

Política de cancel·lació

Podreu cancel·lar la reserva de forma gratuïta fins a 14 dies abans de l'inici de l'estada; en cas de cancel·lar amb menys de 14 dies d'antelació se't penalitzarà amb el 40% de l'import total de la reserva.

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