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Apartamento de diseño Puerta del Sol 4 a Madrid

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The House of Forgotten Dreams In the heart of Madrid, on the bustling Preciados street number 10, stands a majestic five-story house with a carved stone facade. Its large windows and elegant balcony distinguish it from the rest of the buildings, whispering stories of an opulent past. Built at the end of the 19th century, the house was home to the Aldama family, a wealthy family of merchants. Don Francisco Aldama, a visionary man, had amassed a fortune through his businesses in the Americas. The house was a reflection of his wealth and power, a showcase of luxury and ostentation. The house's salons were filled with extravagant parties, where Madrid's high society gathered to dance, converse and enjoy the music. The Aldamas were known for their generosity and good taste, and their house became a meeting point for artists, intellectuals and politicians. However, happiness was not to last forever. In the early 20th century, the Aldama family suffered a series of misfortunes. Don Francisco died in an accident, and his wife, Doña Dolores, became seriously ill. The children, who were still young, were unable to take over the family business, and the fortune began to dwindle. Little by little, the house faded away. The parties stopped being held, the rooms were emptied and dust accumulated on the furniture. The Aldama family was forced to sell the house to survive, and in 1930, the house passed into the hands of a new family. The new owners, the López family, were a modest family who had nothing to do with the opulence of the past. Little by little, they adapted the house to their needs, dividing the floors into smaller apartments and renting them out to students and workers. The house on Preciados street 10 became a microcosm of Madrid society. Within its walls, stories of love, broken dreams, joys and sorrows were lived. The house witnessed the passage of time, wars, dictatorship, democracy and the transformation of the city. Years later, in the 1980s, the house was acquired by a real estate company that completely renovated it, turning it into a modern office building. The facade was preserved, as a last vestige of a glorious past, but the interior was completely transformed. Today, the house on Preciados street 10 is a workplace for hundreds of people. However, an air of nostalgia and mystery still lingers within its walls. The old tenants seem to still wander the corridors, whispering stories of a time that no longer exists. The house on Preciados street 10 is more than just a building. It is a symbol of the history of Madrid, a witness to the passage of time and a haven for forgotten dreams.

Distribució de dormitoris

  • Dormitori 1

    • 1 Llit doble
  • Dormitori 2

    • 1 Llit doble

Mapes i distàncies



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Entrada: 15:00:00
Sortida: 11:00:00

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Import: 500€ / Reserva

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129 €