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Apartamento Las Setas a Sevilla

WiFi iconWiFi
Animals iconAnimals
Microones iconMicroones
Rentadora iconRentadora
Tovalloles iconTovalloles
Roba de llit iconRoba de llit
This beautiful 3 bedroom apartment is located in the center of Seville, in the Feria area, one of the streets with the most personality of the city, located in the Old Town District. It owes its name to the fair or Thursday market held there since the thirteenth century, being the oldest in the city. Nowadays the sidewalks are filled with small stalls or stands selling mainly antiques and second-hand objects, although in its origins all kinds of items were offered. You will find emblematic buildings such as the Mercado de Abastos, built in the eighteenth century, is one of the oldest service buildings in the city; the Church of Omnium Sanctorum, Mudejar temple of the thirteenth century; the Chapel of Monte-Sion, the Church of San Juan de la Palma and the Palace of the Marquises of Algaba, built in the sixteenth century and considered one of the best examples of civil Mudejar art in the city. 💠The apartment has: - Bedroom one with double bed. - 1 bedroom with 2 single beds. - 1 bedroom with bunk bed. - Living room with double sofa bed. - Equipped kitchenette. - Washing machine. - Flat screen TV. - Bathroom with shower and another with bathtub. - Air conditioning. - Internet with Wifi (high speed).

Distribució de dormitoris

  • Dormitori 1

    • 1 Llit individual
  • Dormitori 2

    • 1 Llit doble

Mapes i distàncies



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Normes de la propietat

Grups de joves admesos
S'admet fumar
Mascotes permeses
Entrada: 16:00:00
Sortida: 11:00:00

Fiança (reemborsable)

Import: 150€ / Reserva

Registre turístic


Taxa turística

Abans de viatjar, tingueu en compte que els allotjaments poden estar subjectes a taxes turístiques que s'abonen directament a l'establiment. Aquestes taxes solen repercudir-se per persona i nit, fins a un màxim de nits marcat per la llei aplicable.

Política de cancel·lació

Podreu cancel·lar la reserva de forma gratuïta fins a 30 dies abans de l'inici de l'estada; en cas de cancel·lar amb menys de 30 dies d'antelació se't penalitzarà amb el 40% de l'import total de la reserva.

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Preu per NaN nits
244 €