Company name
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Apartamento Gran Vía III a Madrid

WiFi iconWiFi
Animals iconAnimals
Microones iconMicroones
Tovalloles iconTovalloles
Roba de llit iconRoba de llit
This modern apartment is located in one of the most central areas of Madrid, in the Malasaña neighborhood and just a few steps from Callao and Gran Via, the most famous street in the city and one of the busiest. Known for its cinemas and large theaters you can enjoy numerous musicals and shows. In addition to its wide range of entertainment, stores, terraces and exquisite restaurants, you can also admire its architecture, and is that each building on Gran Via is more beautiful than the previous one and has its own history. Excellently connected just 5 minutes from Callao metro station and Gran Via with different bus lines and less than 10 minutes from Sol suburban train station (Train, Metro). You will find the Carrefour Express at 2 min walking distance. Undoubtedly a privileged location for a view of the capital, where you can find atmosphere at any time of the day throughout the year. The apartment has 2 bedrooms, equipped with a double bed and a bunk bed with viscoelastic mattresses, the stay is united in a bright and spacious living room with double sofa bed with Italian system, fully equipped kitchenette with utensils and appliances to complement the stay, has a bathroom with shower. It has different elements that will make your stay even more comfortable, such as heating with individual gas boiler, WiFi network, flat TV. All this nestled in a central location in the city from where you can enjoy all that Madrid has to offer. A great opportunity to get to know the city and everything it has to offer. Are you going to miss it?

Distribució de dormitoris

  • Dormitori 1

    • 1 Llit doble
  • Dormitori 2

    • 1 Llit doble

Mapes i distàncies



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Normes de la propietat

Grups de joves admesos
S'admet fumar
Mascotes permeses
Entrada: 16:00:00
Sortida: 11:00:00

Fiança (reemborsable)

Import: 150€ / Reserva

Registre turístic


Taxa turística

Abans de viatjar, tingueu en compte que els allotjaments poden estar subjectes a taxes turístiques que s'abonen directament a l'establiment. Aquestes taxes solen repercudir-se per persona i nit, fins a un màxim de nits marcat per la llei aplicable.

Política de cancel·lació

Podreu cancel·lar la reserva de forma gratuïta fins a 30 dies abans de l'inici de l'estada; en cas de cancel·lar amb menys de 30 dies d'antelació se't penalitzarà amb el 40% de l'import total de la reserva.

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Preu per NaN nits
110 €