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Apartamento 074 en el Puerto a Empuriabrava

Aparcament iconAparcament
WiFi iconWiFi
Rentaplats iconRentaplats
Terrassa iconTerrassa
Animals iconAnimals
Microones iconMicroones
Televisió iconTelevisió
Rentadora iconRentadora
Tovalloles iconTovalloles
Roba de llit iconRoba de llit
The apartment in Empuriabrava has 2 bedrooms and can accommodate 4 people. The apartment is comfortable, is very bright, has a view of the sea and the mountain. It is located near the bus station, restaurants, 150 m from the beach, near the city center, near Rosas, where you can visit the famous "calas" and the water park, and generally in an area with villages and attractions near the sea. The accommodation is equipped with the following things: 15 m² terrace, iron, internet (wifi), balcony, air conditioning throughout the house, outdoor parking in the outbuilding, 1 TV, satellite TV (languages: Spanish, English, German, French). In the open kitchen with glass ceramic refrigerator, microwave, freezer, washing machine, dishes/cutlery, kitchen utensils, coffee maker, toaster, kettle and juicer are available. It is located near restaurants, leisure, stores and supermarkets. There is also the natural park dela Aiguamolls, indispensable! Ampuriabrava has an unbeatable location, near the town of Rosas where you can enjoy its beautiful beaches and famous "calas" with its turquoise waters and certainly you can not miss the sunsets. It is also close to the city of Figueras where you can visit the Dali museum among other towns and villages of the Alt Emporda that you can not miss. A stay that you will not forget, either alone, as a couple or as a family!

Distribució de dormitoris

  • Dormitori 1

    • 2 Llit individual
  • Dormitori 2

    • 1 Llit doble

Mapes i distàncies



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Normes de la propietat

Grups de joves admesos
S'admet fumar
Mascotes permeses
Entrada: 16:00:00
Sortida: 11:00:00

Fiança (reemborsable)

Import: 300€ / Reserva

Registre turístic


Taxa turística

Abans de viatjar, tingueu en compte que els allotjaments poden estar subjectes a taxes turístiques que s'abonen directament a l'establiment. Aquestes taxes solen repercudir-se per persona i nit, fins a un màxim de nits marcat per la llei aplicable.

Política de cancel·lació

Podreu cancel·lar la reserva de forma gratuïta fins a 30 dies abans de l'inici de l'estada; en cas de cancel·lar amb menys de 30 dies d'antelació se't penalitzarà amb el 100% de l'import total de la reserva.

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Preu per NaN nits
79 €